Non Disclosure Projects
Here you can find some companies that I worked with in non disclosure projects.
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Oooh is a social networking app that uses games to generate content and connect people.

 I was hired to generate game ideas to popularize the platform. I've also developed some games for the platform.

I acted directly as a game designer, responsible for the entire game concept process and documentation.
Hydra Games
In these projects my team was in charge of creating concept art, ideas for game mechanics and assets for gambling games.

I was responsible for managing the team, ensuring that customer information and feedback reached the team in a clear and accurate manner. I also played the role of game designer, documenting and helping the client to generate new game mechanics ideas.
PIRA Digitals
PIRA Digitals is a marketplace of digital assets on blockchain that hired me to create a riddle game that uses NFTs.

In this project I was responsible for creating the riddles, art, documentation and game design.
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